(L)earn to (I)nnovate while creating (V)aliant (E)xtraordinary people

Our Story
The Heart Behind L.I.V.E. Outreach
Our Board Members

Malika Williams

Malika Williams

Carolada Gilbert, LMSW

Carolada Gilbert, LMSW

Nkosi Mason
Academic Coach

Nkosi Mason
Academic Coach

Elysha Palazzola
Youth Advisor / Program Director

Elysha Palazzola
Youth Advisor / Program Director
What We Do
Making a Difference in Our Community

Toiletry Drive

Book Donations

Used Clothes
We’re always looking for ways to improve and welcome any ideas. If you have a suggestion, please email us at theliveoutreach@gmail.com.
Get Involved
We are so grateful to each and every one of our volunteers! We know your time is valuable and appreciate all your efforts to help support our mission to help our youth.
We believe an encouraged community is a strong one, which is why we are so passionate about building a supportive community at the Live Outreach.
We also know that sometimes you don’t want an adult to talk to about what’s going on, but a peer. We encourage any teens that love to volunteer, and would be willing to share their stories with our young women and men, to get in touch.
At Live Outreach we believe there is more to education than the classic classroom. As important as it is, we have learned that many times someone is an educator without even realizing it! If you have a passion for teaching, or mentorship please reach out to the L.I.V.E. Outreach movement.
Get In Touch
We deeply appreciate anyone who takes the time to help others. L.I.V.E. Outreach is always growing and needs volunteers, donations, and other helpful items. You can support us by sending monetary donations through Cash App or PayPal. Thank you for your generosity!